The Seven Chinese Brothers (Blue Ribbon Book) Review

The Seven Chinese Brothers (Blue Ribbon Book)
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Researchers constantly find that reading to children is valuable in a variety of ways, not least of which are instilling a love of reading and improved reading skills. With better parent-child bonding from reading, your child will also be more emotionally secure and able to relate better to others. Intellectual performance will expand as well. Spending time together watching television fails as a substitute.
To help other parents apply this advice, as a parent of four I consulted an expert, our youngest child, and asked her to share with me her favorite books that were read to her as a young child. The Seven Chinese Brothers was one of her picks.
The Seven Chinese Brothers is for children who are past the time when they are easily frightened because they take everthing very literally, because the brothers face death at the hands of the Chinese emperor in this story.
The seven brothers are precursors to the modern comic book super heroes that are so popular. Each has an unusual skill. The first has remarkable hearing. The second can see over vast distances. The third has unusual strength. The fourth has bones of iron. The fifth has legs that can grow as long and thick as tree trunks. The sixth brother can never be too hot. The seventh brother can cry such large tears that they can drown an entire village. Much effort goes into keeping him happy. The key to the story is that they look alike.
The brothers discern that the emperor is mistreating his workers at the Great Wall of China. The strong brother goes to help out, and the emperor becomes afraid. Through great imagination in employing their remarkable talents, teamwork, and an indomitable spirit, the brothers survive the wrath of the emperor.
This book is good for encouraging children to realize that obstacles, even those that seem insurmountable at first, can be overcome. It is also a wonderful story for encouraging families to stick together. The family of Chinese brothers can accomplish much, much more than any brother alone. Also, your child may be a little frightened by the emperor's attempts to execute the brothers, so it is good to be able to explain the protections in your own society that would prevent this from happening to you or your child.
The story is told in a simple, delightful way. The illustrations are based on water colors, which gives the book a quality feel that will endear it to many children.
Although my daughter is often upset by violence, she loved this story, so don't assume it is only for boys!
Overcome your misconceptions that only mild stories are appropriate for young children when you read to them. Just to be on the safe side, you may want to read this one in the morning for the first time. That will reduce the chance of nightmares!

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