Sixty Million Frenchmen Can't Be Wrong: Why We Love France but Not the French Review

Sixty Million Frenchmen Can't Be Wrong: Why We Love France but Not the French
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Even though I never bought into the whole "freedom fries" thing, until recently I would've been less than kind in my appraisal of the French. However, after visiting Paris for four days in June of '03, I came away with a whole new appreciation for France and its people. I backpacked through four different countries during my trip, and France ended up being my hands-down favorite.
Why the change of heart? Well, first of all Paris has to be seen to be believed. I'm a history buff, and the city is soaked with centuries of it. However, it was the people that really made an impression on me. I was assisted in my wanderings by a number of kind French, including a woman who gave myself and some others an impromptu tour of Notre Dame, and even had three of us over for (free) dinner at her parent's restaurant. And all that just because I asked her for directions! I confess that I fell in love with Paris, and after returning home I began looking for books to learn more about a place that could turn my opinions around so quickly.
I almost skipped over this one - the title and goofy cover art made me think it was some sort of satire. But I gave it a shot, and it turned out to be one of the best books I've read this year. It answered many questions I had about France and the French, from the turbulent history that formed the French national identity, to why a Frenchman spent about a minute correcting my pronounciation of "Champs Elysees." Better yet, the authors write in an accessible, entertaining style, even when dissecting the minutia of French government. A great read from start to finish - don't let this one get away.
I can't wait to go back to Paris, and if you feel as I do, or just want to know why "60 Million Frenchmen Can't Be Wrong", then by all means get this book!

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Anonymous said...


I saw that you reviewed our last book Sixty Million Frenchmen Can’t Be Wrong and thought your readers might be interested in the follow up book we published last spring: The Bonjour Effect: The Secret Codes of French Conversation Revealed. We wrote it after returning to France for a year (we have 10 year-old twin daughters now who went to French school). It’s similar in spirit to the first book, but explores just one particularly mystifying aspect of the French: how to communicate effectively (and enjoyably) with them. Yes, it did take a whole book to unravel the mysteries of French conversation…

We’re getting good press (the New York Times called it “light as it is substantive” and the Times Literary Supplement, “fascinating and delightful”; Rick Steve’s Europe will be featuring us December 10).

You can ask for a press copy from our publicist at St. Martin’s Press, Laura Clark, (or in the UK from Fodgin Ripley). And please feel free to contact us directly if you have any questions.

Au plaisir de vous lire!

Julie Barlow and Jean-BenoƮt Nadeau

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