Second Grave on the Left (Charley Davidson, Book 2) Review

Second Grave on the Left (Charley Davidson, Book 2)
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What's better than a series debut that includes a funny, unique take on the grim reaper? An even better follow up in book 2. As much as I enjoyed Charley Davidson's introduction in FIRST GRAVE ON THE RIGHT, the newest edition to Charley's adventures took it up a level and it's exactly what you want to have happen in a series, have each new story better the one prior and this one does not disappoint. I was laughing from page one, loudly in most cases throughout the story and the end had me really feeling for Charley and Reyes and crazy to get my hands on book 3.
One week after the events in First Grave on the Right, Charley is rudely woken up by Cookie who needs her help finding a missing friend. It's just the start of many things Charley has to deal with in the coming days. First up is finding Cookie's friend Mimi and figuring out why her high school classmates are being picked off, one by one. I loved seeing Cookie in action with Charley, she's an active participant in the search and she really stepped it up in the supporting character role. She holds her own with Charley, and it's sweet seeing Cookie get a little ruffled around men, especially Uncle Bob and Garrett.
"...Two men from the FBI are here," Cookie said. Quickly.
Crap. "Men in black are at the office?"
"Well, yes, but they're actually in more of a navy."
Crapola. I so didn't have time for men. In any color. "Okay, two questions. Do they look mad, and are they hot?"
After a long, long pause, Cookie said, "One, not really. Two, no comment at this time. And three, you're on speakerphone."
After another long, long pause, I said, "Okie dokie then. Be there in a jiff."
While the missing Mimi storyline moves throughout the entire book, Charley's attention is split in a few other directions. Her dad is acting really strange, hiding something from her that comes out after an attack aimed at Charley and a confession from her dad caught on tape. It ended up being a really emotional moment for Charley and it hit a little harder for me simply because we're used to seeing Charley being her sarcastic, take it as it comes self - but this hit close to home for her and brought up a lot of issues she's had in the past with her family. Her step-mother is still annoying as ever, but there was nice development with Charley's sister that will hopefully give Charley a little relief knowing that someone else is slowly moving into her corner.
The most intriguing storyline for me was Reyes - of course it was Reyes! The last time we saw him, he was waking up from a coma in prison and walking right out of the building. He materializes outside of his human body throughout the story to pop in on Charley and warn her away from finding his body. He wants to let his human body die and tries to explain why to Charley, but since nothing is certain about anything involving Reyes, she doesn't want his corporeal body to die, thinking if that happens, she may never see him again. We learn what Reyes being in human form means to the demons in hell, and how he and Charley are connected. And yes, I'm leaving out plenty of details on this so nothing is given away. Needless to say, we get some answers and plenty more questions. Reyes continues to come in and out of Charley's life, never really being a full out presence in the story, but we do get more of him in this book than we did in First Grave, and the chemistry between he and Charley is hot as ever.
I would have loved to have a little more happen between Reyes and Charley, but their relationship is doing another slow build up, and the ending shows us that they still have a long way to go.
As always, Charley's humor and sarcasm is what made me read this book in one sitting. The random things she says, either to herself or others, her hilarious inappropriate reactions during what should be serious situations keeps the storylines light and fun, even when death and big bads are around every corner. Taft and his little ghost sister, Strawberry Shortcake show up, and SS steals every scene she's in. Charley does her grim reaper job a few times, but the ghosts that need to pass aren't as front and center this time around and don't need to be. The supporting characters are all interesting and funny and balance out Charley's craziness throughout her investigations.
SECOND GRAVE ON THE LEFT had me laughing throughout and a bit choked up at the end. Charley's a grim reaper who's only beginning to learn about all the power she has. She's crazy about a guy who's watched over and protected her all her life, became human for her, and she makes a decision at the end that changes everything between them. I can't wait to see where the author takes us next and how her relationship with Reyes will develop in light of new details that come out. This is a fun, exciting adventure that builds on the first book and leaves me excited for THIRD GRAVE DEAD AHEAD.
4.5/5 Stars

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Charley Davidson, Grim Reaper Extraordinaire, is back in this sexy, suspenseful novel of supernatural shenanigans When Charley is rudely awakened in the middle of the night by her best friend who tells her to get dressed quickly and tosses clothes out of the closet at her, she can't help but wonder what Cookie's up to. Leather scrunch boots with a floral miniskirt? Together? Seriously? Cookie explains that a friend of hers named Mimi disappeared five days earlier and that she just got a text from her setting up a meet at a coffee shop downtown. They show up at the coffee shop, but no Mimi. But Charley finds a message on the bathroom wall. Mimi left a clue, a woman's name. Mimi's husband explains that his wife had been acting strange since she found out an old friend of hers from high school had been found murdered a couple weeks prior. The same woman Mimi had named in her message. Meanwhile, Reyes Alexander Farrow (otherwise known as the Son of Satan. Yes. Literally) has left his corporeal body and is haunting Charley. He's left his body because he's being tortured by demons who want to lure Charley closer. But Reyes can't let that happen. Because if the demons get to Charley, they'll have a portal to heaven. And if they have a portal to heaven…well, let's just say it wouldn't be pretty. Can Charley handle hot nights with Reyes and even hotter days tracking down a missing woman? Will Cookie ever get a true fashion sense? And is there enough coffee and chocolate in the world to fuel them as they do? Here is your signpost for the most hilarious read of the summer: Second Grave On The Left.

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