History Teaching with Moodle 2 Review

History Teaching with Moodle 2
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The majority of books examining the use of Moodle and Moodle 2 are generic - that is, they deal with the functions and features of the VLE in terms that any teacher of any subject can follow. This book goes a step further by tailoring content for teachers of History in the compulsory education sector. Therefore, not only does author John Mannion look at how to use the popular VLE in generic terms - he also makes suggestions pertinent to specific subject-related content at key stages 3 - 7. At a time when many establishments are focusing their delivery more and more on digital learning this book is nothing short of a Godsend - and this reviewer would go as far as to say not just for teachers of history nor, indeed teachers delivering at Key Stage levels, but any practitioner wanting to use Moodle 2 appropriately, imaginatively and dynamically in their practice.
History Teaching with Moodle 2 hits the right note from the moment the book is opened - Mannion's clear and cohesive writing style makes it a breeze to read and guidance is clear and well laid out throughout. Suggestions and instructions are backed up by `clean' illustrations and screen shots to ensure that even the most cautious Moodle 2 user can develop engaging, dynamic, interactive resources, re-invent tired resources such as worksheets and, importantly in this digital age, invite learners to reflect via blogging and collaborate via wikis and forums, ensuring the online learning experience does not feel isolated or unsupported.
Mannion takes the reader `under the hood' of Moodle 2 too, looking at administrative tools such as course construction and the enrolment of users. The administrative elements of Moodle can scare many users, but again the author gives clear, illustrated step-by-step instructions in a style that the reader cannot fail to misinterpret. Areas such as course structure are covered thoroughly, with suggestions regarding the creation of attractive courses before going on to look at interactive content as online assignments, labels, forums, glossaries, and the like. The Moodle 2 gradebook and quiz facility is also examined in detail.
The book goes on to look at other free, open source web 2 applications such as Audacity (audio software ideal for recording podcasts) GIMP (image editing software) and Xerte (a simple to use and free eLearning development package) that integrate seamlessly with Moodle, and introducing the reader to the concept of the `mash up' or `plug in' - using the digital tools that are already freely available on the internet and weaving them seamlessly and effectively into the VLE to enhance both learner engagement and the learner experience.
In all then, a book that comes highly recommended for any user of Moodle 2 - but a must for those teaching History!

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Follow the creation of a History course with lots of practical examples and screenshots. Each chapter builds on the course and takes you through a different aspect of teaching history using Moodle. All exercises in the book relate to different periods of history and are suitable for all students of high-school age. This book is for history teachers who would like to enhance their lessons using Moodle. It doesn't matter if you haven't used Moodle before; as long as someone has set it up for you, you can get started with the exercises in the book straightaway.

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