A Shining Affliction: A Story of Harm and Healing in Psychotherapy Review

A Shining Affliction: A Story of Harm and Healing in Psychotherapy
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Dr. Annie Rogers is a psychtherapist in a treament center identified as "Glenwood" in the Chicago area.
This work focusses on Ben, a 5-year-old boy in treatment because of his violent and self abusive behaviors and history of abuse and extreme neglect in infancy.
Ben uses metaphoric language to describe his torment and only alludes to the abuse he suffered in infancy. He revisits this period in his life by playacting "baby" and "baby bear" with Dr. Rogers playing "mama bear" who saves "baby from the forest fire." This no doubt is a reference to when Ben was abandoned in a burning building at age one. He is finally adopted by a loving couple who have sought all types of treatment for this boy who was only recently toilet trained prior to his admission at Glenwood.
During Ben's sessions, the themes of "baby" and "fires" are re-enacted. In one memorable session, Ben arrives in an angel suit to show the doctor his innate goodness.
As they progress further in treatment, Dr. Rogers unearths her own traumatic past. She retreats into silence and is ultimately hospitalized. She is also devastated by the refusal of another professional to maintain contact with her. This professional, identified as "Melanie Sherman" appears to be singularly callous in cutting all ties with Dr. Rogers. Like Ben, Dr. Rogers uses nature themed metaphors to describe her displacement. She identifies with the lone bird, circling above the city, sad-eyed and searching.
It is to her great fortune that she is treated by the gentle, gifted Dr. Blumenthal. Dr. Blumenthal treats her with respect and at no time does he challenge her when she expresses a delusional concept. He takes her seriously and also tries to soften the blow she feels about Melanie's loss. (One wonders if Melanie was really worth it). Dr. Blumenthal helps Dr. Rogers piece her pysche much like a mental quilt; in reassembling her shattered image, she is able to see her abusive mother with clarity instead of in fragmented short steps.
Dr. Blumenthal is truly an angel and a shining, sterling example of humane treatment in therapy. Dr. Rogers, once discharged and back at Glenwood, can use his techniques with Ben.
This is a very powerful book of how parallel the lives of doctor and patient are and how similar their boundaries really were.

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